About Safe2Heal
Safe2Heal researches and publishes information about practices and methods that work to dramatically improve well-being and transform lives. What does it mean to heal and what are the practices people report work best? How are lives transformed and well-being dramatically improved, with an eye towards how people solve problems outside the traditional boundaries of modern medicine?
Our first research effort “How Healing Happens”, draws from two exceptional sources of detailed validated data about healing; a PhD thesis by Kelly Ann Turner on spontaneous remission of cancer (which evolved into a book) and a report produced by The Bravewell Collaborative about the effectiveness of alternative modalities like meditation and yoga in clinical outpatient care settings. The core findings about the healing process:
- People adopt new beliefs about themselves and the world they experience.
- People make changes and practice in new and different ways to embrace the free flow of loving energy in their integrated body-mind-spirit system.
- The conditions under which disease thrives change until people are free of pain.
These new beliefs reflect a change in perspective; a new grounding in direct experience, in awareness, that goes deeper than our ability to understand. From a conventional outside-in perspective to a new inside-out point of view that includes every thing. Something like; from a separate self in a body in constant danger [Body (Mind (Spirit))] to an open always present loving awareness unfolding [Spirit (Mind & Body)].
There are many names for “spirit”; ground of being, loving presence, all there is, awareness, and many more. We all share spirit, all sentient beings, our true nature, a continuous arising that practices like meditation reveal Cultivating spirit, this free flow of always available energy changes us (neuroplasticity!) and over time our “center” moves from an isolated body in pain and suffering – to an awareness, a presence from which all experience arises. Turns out our point of view, intention and attention can be more powerful than all the pharmaceuticals and interventions of modern medicine.
Five years ago, after leaving the business world, I started a new round of research by practicing these methods myself every day. Christmas 2018 I made a commitment to meditate every day and started the Palouse MBSR course outlined in this playbook. After Palouse I completed an instructor-led online MBSR course with East Coast Mindfulness. Then I discovered Jeffrey Martin and the Finders course, a formal research project with a very structured online course curriculum including a set of sophisticated well-being measures. The Finders course required a minimum of 90 minutes a day for 17 weeks, and features 25 different practices, including almost all the practices in MBSR. The practices referenced in MBSR and Finders work! I’m still practicing every morning, speaking to you from my experience.
Common themes emerge. Everything changes constantly. We are all more than we think. Literally. These days it’s clear the part of our nervous system responsible for keeping us alive is often freaked out in our modern world. Fight or flight (or freeze) over and over again triggered by subconscious threat processing that has already jumped from the snake before you realize it’s a rope. Science confirms habitual reactive subconscious processing causes our entire mind and body system to degrade and collapse over time. Awareness is here but buried deep.
Safe2Heal researches and publishes information about practices and methods that work to dramatically improve well-being and transform lives. The results people report, and science validates, after completing an MBSR course, are available with a wide range of modalities.
Safe2Heal is a labor of love, showing how we’re all connected to and create the world we live in. In the healing tradition of human beings on earth let us each heal ourselves. Then help heal each other and the world at large. With Love. May the fruits of our practice benefit all beings and the earth in peace.
Questions, comments, all input welcome to info @ safe2heal.com.
Robert Rich’s Linked In Profile.
Safe2Heal / Otis MA 01253
Just This
a peace
where each breath
takes what’s needed
gives back what’s not
just this