Dr. Andrew Weil

Dr. Andrew Weil is a phenomenal resource for information about healing and growth.  Dr. Weil has focused on practical information you can use every day.  Both 8 Weeks to Optimum Health first published in 1997 and Spontaneous Happiness 2011 define a week by week program to help you change the underlying conditions of your situation to enable healing.  Here’s a link to a free 9 page summary of suggestions for wellness Dr. Weil’s Head to Toe Wellness Guide for Printing and his website Dr. Andrew Weil’s Website.

Just below are quotes from Spontaneous Happiness and below that a bio from his website.

“Using such new techniques as PET scans and functional MRIs, which make it possible to visualize living brains, they have been able to show that individuals trained in meditation have different brain activity from those without such training, and they respond differently to situations that would cause most of us to lose our emotional equilibrium.  The broader implications of this research is that changes in the mind can cause changes in both the function and structure of the brain, a fact that cannot be explained by the biomedical model and that suggests many more options for taking charge of our emotional well-being.”

“So now is the time to ascend the mountain and see the biomedical model as one part of our broadening view.  Our health or lack of it is the result of biochemical interactions and genetics, dietary choices, exercise patterns, sleep habits, hopes, fears, families, friends, jobs, hobbies, cultures, ecosystems and more.  Chemical imbalances in the brain may well correlate with depression, anxiety, and other emotional disturbances, but the arrows of cause and effect can point in both directions.  Optimizing emotional wellness, as by improving attention, changing destructive patterns of thinking, and finding contentment within, can also optimize brain chemistry, correcting any deficiencies in neurotransmitters.”

About Dr. Weil


A World-Renowned Leader in Mind, Body, and

Spirit Wellness

Medical doctor, botanist, and pioneer of integrative medicine, Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D. has devoted his life to developing, teaching, and practicing a natural healing approach to health and wellness. Embraced by millions the world over, his philosophy utilizes both alternative and mainstream medicine and emphasizes mind, body, and spiritual balance.

A Harvard University graduate with degrees in both medicine and biology, Dr. Weil founded the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine (AzCIM) at the University of Arizona Health Sciences, where he is a director of the program. He has written ten books which have sold over ten million copies, including Spontaneous Healing, 8 Weeks to Optimum Health, The Healthy Kitchen, and Healthy Aging.

Dr. Weil currently serves as editorial director of www.drweil.com, a leading online resource for healthy living through integrative medicine, and is author of the Self Healing newsletter. He is also a regular contributor to Prevention and Time magazines and a frequent guest on Larry King Live, Oprah, and the Today show.

MBSR Course & Teacher Listing New Year 2025

MBSR Course and Teacher Listing New Year 2025

MBSR Course and Teacher Listing New Year 2025 110 MBSR Courses with 88 Certified Teachers 65 Online Courses


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