by Robert Rich | Feb 21, 2018 | Acupuncture, Biofeedback, Exercise, Fibromyalgia, Functional Medicine, Guided Imagery, Herbal Medicine, Massage, MBSR, Meditation, Mental Health Counseling, Qi Gong, Shiatsu, Supplements, TCM, Vitamins, Yoga
Thousands of people afflicted with Fibromyalgia experience extreme pain and other symptoms including fatigue, sleep difficulties, and often some depression or anxiety. Fibromyalgia is treated successfully in 12 Integrative Medicine Clinics across the United States...
by Robert Rich | Jan 23, 2018 | Acupuncture, Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, Meditation, Polarity Therapy, Yoga
A woman with long standing poor physical health and fibromyalgia gathers information and explores a variety of alternatives. Over the course of three months emphasizing yoga and meditation her condition changes from chronic pain to pain free. Blue Anjou Yoga Studio...