by Robert Rich | Feb 17, 2018 | Acupuncture, Biofeedback, Breathing, Cancer, Exercise, Functional Medicine, Guided Imagery, Healing Touch Therapy, Herbal Medicine, Journaling, Massage, MBSR, Meditation, Mental Health Counseling, Probiotics, Qi Gong, Reiki, Shiatsu, Supplements, Tai Chi, TCM, Vitamins, Yoga
Thousands of people afflicted with Cancer experience a high degree of pain from cancer and other symptoms, as well as treatment side effects such as nausea, fatigue and distress. Cancer Pain is treated successfully in 15 Integrative Medicine Clinics across the...
by Robert Rich | Feb 7, 2018 | Acupuncture, Cancer, Diet, Guided Imagery, Healing Touch Therapy, Herbs, Homeopathy, Massage, Meditation, Prayer, Reiki
A healthy and vibrant woman experiences three episodes of cancer diagnosis and treatments. Emerges cancer free and writes a book about her experience and how other people responded to similar situations. Quote on blame and taking responsibility from Embrace Release...